Wednesday, February 18, 2009

French I webquests/ A votre tour activities

Planning a trip to Senegal? Please post your questions and findings here. Make sure I know who you are!


Logan (not the Dings) said...

Tourist Questions: 1. What is their national anthem?

2. What languages are spoken there?

3. Where exactly are they located?

4. What language should I learn if I wish to stay long-term?

5. What is the weather like there?
Answers: 1.
Pincez tous vos koras, frappez les balafons.
Le lion a rugi.
Le dompteur de la brousse
D'un bond s'est élancé
Dissipant les ténèbres.
Soleil sur nos terreurs, soleil sur notre espoir.
Debout, frères, voici l'Afrique rassemblée
fibres de mon coeur vert.
Épaule contre épaule, mes plus que frères,
O Sénégalais, debout !
Unissons la mer et les sources, unissons la steppe et la forêt !
Salut Afrique mère, salut Afrique mère.

2.Official languages: Balanta-Ganja, Hassaniyya, Jola-Fonyi, Mandinka, Mandjak, Mankanya, Noon, Pulaar, Serer-Sine, Soninke, Wolof, French. Wolof= most widely spoken. French= Official language.

3. They are on the West tip of Africa, just south of Mauritania.

4. Probably Wolof and/or French because French is the official language but about 80% of the people speak Wolof as a primary or secondary language.

5. Warm; ranging between 70 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit.

Annie DeFatta said...


1. Where is Senegal?
Senegal is located in Western Africa, south of the Senegal River.

2. What's the topography like in Senegal?
Senegal is surrounded by gorgeous and lush forests as well as popular beaches. The white sand beaches are appealing to all tourists as well as the tropical feel of the forests.

3. Why do people visit Senegal?
One of the most popular reasons for tourists are the beaches of Senegal. Not only are they fun and family oriented, but they're relaxing and peaceful! However, there is also the hustle and bustle of the city life. The streets are filled with people enjoying the night life.

4. What is the weathere like in Senegal?
To match the perfect beach setting, the weather is beautiful and inviting! The weather is warm and sunny. It's definately a place I'd like to visit!

5. What language do they speak in Senegal?
The most popular language in Senegal is Wolof even though French is the official language! Many, many other languages are also spoken, but not as popular as Wolof and French!

Eric said...

1. Est-ce que tu aimes quand il pleut?
Non, je n'aime pas quand il pleut.

2. Est-ce que tu parles Francais?
Oui, je parle Francais tres bien.

3. Ou est-ce que tu veux voyager?
Je veux voyager a Dakar.

4. Pourquoi veux tu aller a Dakar?
Je veux aller a Dakar parce que je veux nager.

5. Voyages tu avec quelqu'un?
Oui, je voyage avec mon copain.

caroline gartlad said...
